Text Mesh Pro UGUI
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s color to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI faceColor’s alpha to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s alpha color to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s fontSize to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s glowColor to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Changes the target’s maxVisibleCharacters to the given value. NOTE: if you didn’t set the maxVisibleCharacters property before
starting the tween, TextMesh Pro will automatically set the starting value to 0 (because the property is activated only the first
time it’s used).
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s outlineColor to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens a TextMeshProUGUI’s scale to the given value (using correct uniform scale as TMP requires).
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is
attached to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.
Tweens the target’s text to the given value.
GameObject – reference to a gameObject with a TextMeshProUGUI Component
To – The end value to reach
RichTextEnable – If TRUE (default), rich text will be interpreted correctly while
animated, otherwise all tags will be considered as normal text
ScrambleMode – The type of scramble mode to use, if any. If different than
ScrambleMode.None the string will appear from a random animation of characters,
otherwise it will compose itself regularly. None(default): no scrambling will be
applied. All / Uppercase / Lowercase / Numerals: type of characters to be used
while scrambling. Custom: will use the custom characters in scrambleChars.
ScrambleChars – A string containing the characters to use for custom scrambling.
Use as many characters as possible (minimum 10) because DOTween uses a fast
scramble mode which gives better results with more characters.
SetRelative – If setRelative is TRUE sets the tween as relative (the endValue will be
calculated as startValue + endValue instead of being used directly). In case of
Sequences, sets all the nested tweens as relative. IMPORTANT: Has no effect on
Reverse Options, since in that case you directly choose if the tween isRelative or
not in the settings below
Duration – The duration of the tween
SetSpeedBased – If isSpeedBased is TRUE sets the tween as speed based (the
duration will represent the number of units/degrees the tween moves x second).
NOTE: if you want your speed to be constant, also set the ease to Ease.Linear.
StartDelay – Set a delayed startup for the tween
PlayInReverse – Changes a TO tween into a FROM tween: sets the current target’s
startValue as the tween’s endValue then immediately sends the target to the
previously set endValue.
SetReverseRelative – If TRUE the FROM value will be calculated as relative to the
current one
StartEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween starts
FinishEvent – Playmaker Event to trigger when the tween ends
FinishImmediately – If TRUE this action will finish immediately, if FALSE it will finish
when the tween is complete.
TweenIdType – Select the source for the tween ID
StringAsId – Use a String as the tween ID
TagAsId – Use a Tag as the tween ID
SelectedEase – Select the source for the ease (ease type or animation curve)
EaseType – Sets the ease of the tween. If applied to a Sequence instead of a
Tweener, the ease will be applied to the whole Sequence as if it was a single
animated timeline.Sequences always have Ease.Linear by default, independently of
the global default ease settings.
AnimationCurve – Set custom animation curve for the tween
Loops – Number of loops. Setting loops to -1 will make the tween loop infinitely.
LoopType – Sets the looping options (Restart, Yoyo, Incremental) for the tween.
AutoKillOnCompletion – If autoKillOnCompletion is set to TRUE the tween will be
killed as soon as it completes, otherwise it will stay in memory and you’ll be able to
reuse it. (default TRUE)
Recyclable – Sets the recycling behaviour for the tween. If you don’t set it then the
default value (set either via DOTween.Init or DOTween.defaultRecyclable) will be
used. (default FALSE)
UpdateType – Sets the type of update (Normal, Late or Fixed) for the tween and
eventually tells it to ignore Unity’s timeScale. UpdateType.Normal: Updates every
frame during Update calls. UpdateType.Late: Updates every frame during
LateUpdate calls. UpdateType.Fixed: Updates using FixedUpdate calls. (default
IsIndependentUpdate – If TRUE the tween will ignore Unity’s Time.timeScale.
NOTE: independentUpdate works also with UpdateType.Fixed but is not
recommended in that case (because at timeScale 0 FixedUpdate won’t run).
(default FALSE)
DebugThis – Will print in the Debug.Log, the gameObject name this FSM is attached
to, the FSM name and the State name that issued this action.