Listeners are components that connect to specific streams and trigger things based on what signals are being sent on said streams.
They can either react to ‘pings’ (signals without data payload) or specific settings inside a data payload of a meta-signal (sent through the stream the listener is connected to)
Int Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have an integer value payload
Float Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a float value payload
Bool Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a boolean value payload
Color Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a Color value payload
String Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a string value payload
Vector2 Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a Vector2 value payload
Vector3 Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a Vector3 value payload
Vector4 Signal Listener
Connects to a specific stream and reacts to meta-signals, that have a Vector4 value payload