Quick Start
Estimated reading: 1 minute
Quick Start Guide
- Step 1: Ensure you’ve imported Playmaker.
- Step 2: Import and set up DOTween or DOTween Pro. Make sure you have at least DOTween version v 1.1.060. If not, download it from here.
- Step 3: Import DOTween Playmaker Actions by Doozy from the Asset Store.
- Step 4: In the Playmaker Action Browser, search for the actions.
- Note 1: If you’re using DOTween Pro, import additional actions by going to DOTweenPlaymakerActions/Actions/DOTweenPro_Actions.unity.
- Note 2: If you’re using DOTween Pro and TextMesh Pro, first import the DOTween Pro actions from Note 1, then add the TextMesh Pro additional actions by importing DOTweenPlaymakerActions/Actions/DOTweenPro/DOTween_TextMeshPro_Actions.unity.