Astra Child

Version 4.1.7

Estimated reading: 1 minute 0 views


Shortcut methods to UIBehaviours for all UISelectable components.

A ‘triggerCallbacks’ parameter to all relevant UIContainer’s methods to allow triggering of visibility changes without triggering callbacks


UIMenuCamera giving an error if the new Input System is not enabled.

UIBehaviours not automatically connecting newly added behaviours.

ModyEvent missing initialization for the UnityEvent.

UIContainer triggering visibility changes without it changing.

UIContainer Show/Hide being executed with 2 frame delays by the Coroutiner.

Triggers from adding a Canvas and a GraphicRaycaster component when they are not needed.


Nody Create New Node templates from using EditorMicroAnimations to EditorSpriteSheets.

FlowController Stop method by also calling OnExit on the active node and then setting it to null.

RectTransfrom extensions to work as chained methods.

UIContainer handling of connected Progressors to better address various use-cases.

UIMenuCamera multishot behaviour for UIContainer targets.

Sprite sheet textures loading times by stripping raw data when creating the virtual textures used in the editor.

Editor UI

UIMenuItemEditor updated to handle animated preview null references.

Added new sprite sheet icons to the UIMenu.

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